Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Comparison of all three interviews

       My third interview was different from my first two interviews in several ways. The main difference was the location: my first interview was by some tables in Stewart Hall, my second interview was in a study room in the library, and my third interview was in my interviewee's car. This didn't majorly affect our interview, so I don't really regret this. All of my interviewees were from Saudi Arabia. Especially during my third interview, the assignment transformed into an informal conversation. This really helped me confirm the information I though I knew, and even to learn specific examples to help illustrate it. In my third interview, I was told that only buses and cars are used for transportation in Saudi Arabia. However, my first and second interviewee have told me that other modes of transportation such as taxis and trains. My interviewee was just using the availibility heuristic of thinking: he thought there were no other modes of transportation because buses and cars are the vast majority that people use. I spent about 1.5 hours transcribing my third interview. I am satisfied with my work and effort, but I think many others did a fantastic job with this interview. In my opinion, this was the best round of interviews as far as transcriptions are concerned.

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