Saturday, April 21, 2012

Final Paper

Nicholas Schleif
ENGL191 Final Paper

The Termination of the U.S. penny

Let's begin with a riddle: what's small, round, has Abraham Lincoln's face on it, and costs the United States nearly $1 billion dollars every year? The answer is the U.S. penny. The penny is a lot like Lindsay Lohan. At one point both had good intentions, were well respected, and were innocent. However, due to several factors both have been transformed, corrupted, and an intervention is necessary. When the penny was first introduced in 1793 it had good motives and truly was a good idea. When innocent people were burned alive in the Salem witch trials, it was also a good idea. In this paper I will show you why the penny needs to be eliminated with 5 main reasons. I'll even explore the counter-argument to show you that there are no legitimate reasons to keep the penny in production or use.
I’d like to start by discussing the past and present production of the penny. The penny was first minted in 1787 by a private mint, and the U.S. mint began to publicly mint the penny in 1793 [1]. When the penny was first minted, it was composed of 100% copper. Copper, as we will discuss, is an extremely valuable metal that has many other uses besides the penny. During times of war resources such as copper metal were greatly needed, and because of this the composition of the penny changed many times during war. For example, no pennies were minted in 1815 because copper was being used for the War of 1812 . Also, pennies were made of zinc-coated steel during the year 1943 due to copper shortages of World War II [3]. In 1837, the composition of the penny was changed for the first time to 95% copper and 5% tin and zinc (a.k.a. bronze). The composition was again changed in 1856 to 88% copper and 12% zinc [4]. The next major development happened in 1909 when Abraham Lincoln was the first historical figure to be placed on a U.S. coin; he was placed on the penny. The physical makeup of the penny stayed the same until 1962 when the small amount of tin was removed, making the penny 95% copper and 5% zinc. This stayed until 1982, when the composition was changed to 97.5% zinc and plated with 2.5% copper [5]. To be honest, changing the composition to 2.5% copper was the only smart thing that the U.S. government has ever done with the penny. The production cost of the penny has continued to rise as copper has risen in price. In 2007, people were concerned when the price of producing the penny exploded to 1.65¢. Some resorted to melting the penny for the metal, and reselling the metal. This makes complete sense because the metal was worth more than the penny!  At this point, the government should’ve eliminated the penny while the cost was under 2¢/penny. But alas, the history of the penny continues  today. Now that we know about the history of the penny, let’s talk about the current state of the penny.
As stated before, the current composition of the penny is 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper. However, it still has an orange-ish color because the zinc is plated with copper on the outside. Before I examine the cost of making pennies, let’s talk about the toxicity of pennies. The modern penny is mostly made of zinc, which is toxic to humans and animals. The effects of zinc poisoning are corrosion of stomach lining, ulceration, nausea, vomiting, pancreatic dysfunction, and even death in some cases [16]. Pennies are physically dangerous for small children and pets, but we’re just getting started with the list of negative things the penny brings.
In 2011 the U.S. mint produced about 4.3 billion pennies, and it costed 2.4 cents to make a penny [6]. That’s 1.4 cents lost per penny, and with some simple math:
$ .014 lost/penny × 4.3 billion pennies = $60,200,000 lost in production. Over sixty-million dollars were lost in 2011 by merely producing the penny. This an enormous amount of money, and I will try to put it in perspective for you. According to Saint Cloud State University’s website, the student to faculty ratio is 19:1 [7], and there are currently 21,939 students enrolled [8]. This means that there are about 1,155 faculty at SCSU. If the loss for minting the penny in 2011 was divided among the faculty, each member would get $52,121.21. If this amount was divided among the students, each student would receive $2,743.97. This is just the loss in money, let’s consider the loss of copper. In 2011 each penny weighed 2.5 grams [9], and as we’ve stated the copper percentage was 2.5%. This means that each penny used .065 grams of copper, so what? Well, finding the total copper used:
.065 grams copper/penny × 4.3 billion pennies = 268,750,000 grams of copper used
268,750,000 grams ÷ 453.59 grams/pound = 592,495.43 pounds of copper wasted in 2011.  Almost 600,000 pounds of copper were wasted making pennies in 2011. According to, about 439 pounds of copper are used to build the pipes, wiring, and other material for an average house [10]. This means that the U.S. mint wasted an amount of copper that could’ve been used for 1,350 homes ONLY in 2011. As we are starting to see, the penny is very wasteful in its production and material. Surely this is all the penny wastes, right? Wrong. I will describe next why we don’t just change the composition and forget about the penny.  
The physical loss of minting pennies is staggering, but it shouldn’t be the only number you consider. We haven’t looked at something perhaps more valuable than money: time. There is a concept in economics called opportunity cost. It basically says that while you are spending time doing one thing, you could be spending time doing something else. Walgreens has reported that people spend about 2 - 2.5 seconds using pennies in their transactions on average [11]. Let’s also consider that a person makes a transaction like this once a day, it doesn’t matter if it is at Walgreens. In a year this is 730 seconds wasted. In 2011, the average wage was $16.57 [12]. By doing some more math:
730 seconds ÷ 60 seconds ÷ 60 minutes × $16.57/hour = $3.36 in time wasted handling pennies per person per year. Multiplying this by the number of Americans (about 300,000,000) you get $1.008 billion in time wasted handling pennies per year. Remember, this calculation doesn’t include what the penny is made of. If the penny was made of dirt, it would still waste about $1 billion in handling costs. This number is extremely important in considering the penny debate. It doesn’t matter the composition, the entire concept of a one-cent coin is flawed and wastes valuable time. We can clearly see that the penny wastes a lot of money, copper, and time. Considering this, some want the penny eliminated but they don’t know how to do it. The answer to look toward other countries.
Getting rid of a small value coin like the penny isn’t a mystery, many other countries have successfully done this. Australia removed its one-cent and two-cent coins in 1992, Israel removed its one-agora coin in 1991, the United Kingdom eliminated its half-penny in 1984, and Canada recently stopped production of its penny in March 2012 [13]. I’d like to especially note Canada’s penny termination, because it was very recent. It’s also important to note that Canada was only losing $11 million per year compared to the U.S.’s $60.2 million per year production cost. Canadians were losing less money on pennies than the Americans, but they eliminated the penny before the U.S.  How exactly did Canda ‘eliminate’ their penny anyways? The only thing the Canadian government has done so far is stopped producing the penny. The Canadian penny is still legal tender, and when stores receive them they will send them to the government. What if I buy something that’s 99¢? All other countries that I’ve mentioned(Canada will do this) round all transactions to the nearest nickel(or next highest coin). Possibly the only disadvantage of Canada eliminating their penny is that credit card users still pay the exact amount. Citizens in the other penny-banning countries also pay exact amounts with credit cards. This raises a new question: what economic effects does rounding to the nearest nickel create?
The answer is virtually none: rounding to the nearest nickel creates almost no negative economic effects. The countries of Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Israel have all had their penny or low value coin eliminated with no serious economic effects. The United Kingdom eliminated their penny back in the 1980’s and there have been no effects since. You can also look at the probability of rounding. Imagine the amounts of 8¢ - 17¢. Eight, 9, 10, 11, and 12¢ will all round to 10¢ and 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17¢ will round to 15¢. Out of these 10, or any 10 amounts, 5 will round up and 5 will round down. This means that theoretically it’s an equal probability of rounding up or rounding down.  Robert Whaples, a professor of economics at Wake Forest University, has also pondered this question specifically for the U.S. [14]. Whaples gathered data on nearly 200,000 individual transactions in 20 stores of a convenience store chain. In 185,714 of these transactions the customer actually gained money, which added up to about 1/20 of a cent per transaction to the customer. This means that the company lost about 75¢ per store per day. Some will argue here saying that the store will lose billions of dollars blah blah blah. Most convenience stores are multi-million dollar companies anyways. Remember the terms we’ve established: pennies waste about $1 billion a year along with valuable resources. It’s certainly worth the small cost at the millionaire CEO’s expense to eliminate the penny. Let’s now examine the most important part of this discussion: the usage of the penny.
So far we’ve established that the penny costs the government $60 million to produce, $1 billion in time wasted, other countries have successfully eliminated their penny or equivalent, and there are virtually no negative economic effects of rounding. All of this might be endured if the penny was useful and still used. However, the penny cannot be practically used for transactions. The definition of currency is something that facilitates the exchange of goods. The penny no longer serves this purpose because it always needs to be combined with higher value coins. When the penny was first minted, many things could be purchased with just a penny or two. In the 1930’s, cabbage was about 3 cents per pound, peas were about 4 cents per pound, and bread was about 8 cents per loaf [15]. I challenge anyone reading this to think of more than 5 things to buy for 4¢ or less (5¢ items can be bought with a nickel). Even if you can think of one or two, the penny has extremely limited purchasing power in today’s market. Well, they can still be used like other coins right? Wrong. Almost all vending machines, toll booths, laundry machines, and parking meters don’t accept pennies . The main things that people use coins for don’t even accept pennies. Perhaps the worst thing about the penny, despite the cost and time wasted, is that paying for a transaction solely in pennies is considered an insult. If a credit card company makes people mad, they might try to pay debts in all pennies. However, some companies don’t even accept all-penny payments! When companies don’t accept a legal form of currency as payment, the currency is obviously failing its job. There are even services like Coinstar, which convert change into dollar bills and take about 10% of the coins you put in. Think about this service for a minute. They are giving you less money than you put in, just so you have the money in a different form. This is the end of my argument to abolish the penny. I literally don’t know how I could make it any clearer and logical to eliminate the penny. However, some people want to keep the penny for various reasons. I will now explore and dismantle the counterargument.
People who are pro-penny(a.k.a. anti-logic) say that if the penny is abolished charities will lose millions of dollars. However if we look at the charity revenues in the countries that have abolished their penny or low value coin, we see no major change. Most charities started to ask for the new lowest value coin. In the U.S.’s case, charities would probably ask for nickels and they wouldn’t lose money. This way the charities will only need 1/5 of the nickels in order to have the same amount in pennies. Pro-penny people also say that the penny commemorates Abraham Lincoln and it would be a disgrace to ban the penny. Abraham Lincoln was certainly an important figure in United States history for his role in trying to prevent a civil war and abolish slavery. However, Abraham Lincoln is already on the $5 bill(which won’t be going away anytime soon). I’m confident that if Abraham Lincoln knew his face was on a small toxic piece of metal that costs nearly $1 billion every year to fail at its job, he would roll over in his grave. The last point of the counterargument is to keep the penny for its sentimental value. The essence of this point is to keep it because it has existed for a while. Should we keep malaria because it’s been around for a long time? No, of course not. The penny is no different: there are clear disadvantages with no advantages.

     Let's recap one final time what we've discussed. The penny: is toxic to humans and pets, costed $60.2 million to produce just in 2011 and $1.008 in time wasted in 2011, it fails to perform its job, and it is a sign of annoyance. Many other countries have eliminated their penny equivalent without any negative side effects and the proposed rounding system would be fair. If you carefully consider all of the points I've expressed, it should be clear that the U.S. penny needs to be abolished. The penny really did have good potential and usage WHEN IT WAS CREATED, but now it is obvious that the original plans backfired. Especially in today's economic state, everything we can do helps. Why would we keep the penny and lose millions of dollars and time worth billions of dollars? It simply isn't logical. If you hand is injured and you put it on a lit stove, the logical action is to remove it. With everything considered, I'd like to end this paper with a question. What would you do about the penny in the United States? Would you keep it, or eliminate it?


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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Evidence of Peer reviews

I discussed with these students their outlines:
Janvier Byiringiro
Joeseph Reece
Zhaoyang Zhang

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Final Paper Topic

      My final paper will be about the termination of the U.S. penny. 

      Let's begin with a riddle: what's small, round, has Abraham Lincoln's face on it, and costs the United States nearly $1 billion dollars every year? The answer is the U.S. penny. The penny is a lot like Lindsay Lohan. At one point both had good intentions, were well respected, and were innocent. However, due to several factors both have been transformed, corrupted, and an intervention is necessary. When the penny was first introduced in 1793 it had good motives and truly was a good idea. When innocent people were burned alive in the Salem witch trials, it was also a good idea. In this paper I will show you why the penny needs to be eliminated with 5 main reasons. I'll even explore the counter-argument to show you that there are no legitimate reasons to keep the penny in production or use. 


1. Introduction

2. Body
           1. The U.S. penny production
                   1. More in depth history of penny
                              1. Creation
                                       2. Physical composition
                    2. Pennies today
                             1. Physical composition
                                       1. Loss of minting pennies
                                            2. Use metals for other things
                    3. Changing composition isn’t enough
          2. Opportunity cost
                      1. Explain what opportunity cost is
                      2. Calculations using average wage and conditions
                       3. x amount of $ for each...
           3. Historical precedents
                         1. Other countries eliminated their penny, no major effects
                                  1. List of countries who’ve eliminated their penny
                                  2. How other countries do this
                         2. Canada recently eliminating its penny
          4. Rounding / Economic effects
                       1. Would we lose money rounding?
                       2. Examples of other countries

5. Usage / Practicality
                        1. Past usage / practicality
                       2. Current usage / practicality
                                   1. Vending machines / toll booths
                                    2. Paying with only pennies shows irritation / annoyance
           6. Other side of the argument
                   1. Charities lose money?
                   2. Historical value
                   3. Abraham Lincoln disrespect

3. Conclusion
         1. Good intentions, but obvious backfire
               1. Thorn in the side of economy
         2. Restate thesis
         3. What would you do?

If you carefully consider all of the points I've expressed, it should be clear that the U.S. penny needs to be abolished. The penny really did have good potential and usage WHEN IT WAS CREATED, but now it is obvious that the original plans backfired. Especially in today's economic state, everything we can do helps. Why would we keep the penny and lose millions of dollars and time worth billions of dollars? It simply isn't logical. If you hand is injured and you put it on a lit stove, the logical action is to remove it. With everything in the paper considered, I'd like to end this paper with a question. What would you do about the penny in the United States? Would you keep it, or eliminate it?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Using quotes correctly

      This post will show how to correctly reference information and use quotes. This is the introduction to my country report redone so it follows these things:

      Saudi Arabia is a large country that covers most of the Arabian peninsula [1] and according to the CIA Factbook's website, it is the "birthplace of Islam and home to Islam's two holiest shrines in Mecca and Medina"[2]. Even though most of Saudi Arabia took a long time to be settled due to the inhospitable climate [3], Saudi Arabia was founded as a state in 1744 . Saudi Arabia is bordered by the Red Sea, so along these areas agriculture is possible[4]. According to the U.S. Department of State website[5], "oil accounts for...about 75% of government revenues" and the CIA Factbook also states that Saudi Arabia has an economy heavily dependent on oil[6]. Government in Saudi Arabia is heavily based upon Islam, because the constitution follows Islamic law[7].

Comparison of all three interviews

       My third interview was different from my first two interviews in several ways. The main difference was the location: my first interview was by some tables in Stewart Hall, my second interview was in a study room in the library, and my third interview was in my interviewee's car. This didn't majorly affect our interview, so I don't really regret this. All of my interviewees were from Saudi Arabia. Especially during my third interview, the assignment transformed into an informal conversation. This really helped me confirm the information I though I knew, and even to learn specific examples to help illustrate it. In my third interview, I was told that only buses and cars are used for transportation in Saudi Arabia. However, my first and second interviewee have told me that other modes of transportation such as taxis and trains. My interviewee was just using the availibility heuristic of thinking: he thought there were no other modes of transportation because buses and cars are the vast majority that people use. I spent about 1.5 hours transcribing my third interview. I am satisfied with my work and effort, but I think many others did a fantastic job with this interview. In my opinion, this was the best round of interviews as far as transcriptions are concerned.

Interview Rankings #3

This is the link to my evaluation of everyone's third interview:

My top three interviews are:
1.Kelsey Reinke here 19 points
2.Wenting Cai here 19 points
3.Tiffany Smith here 18 points

Monday, April 2, 2012

My third interview ( 30 - 45 minutes in length)

This post will be about my third interview with my peers in the ENGL191 class. This post will have a country report, interview preparations and report, and the transcribed interview. 

1.Interview Preparations

      I used the same methods to prepare for this interview as the first two interviews. After I had my questions ordered, I set some goals for the interview. I wanted to gather information about food, government, and other views about America. Since my last two interviewees were from Saudi Arabia, it makes sense to pick my third interviewee from Saudi Arabia so I can cross reference information. The only student from Saudi Arabia that I hadn't interviewed was AbdullahMA. I asked him in class if I could interview him, and he accepted. We didn't establish a time for the interview, but eventually we decided on Sunday April 1st at 6:00 p.m. Abdullah had a meeting that changed his plans, so we rescheduled the interview for 7:30 p.m. He was done with the meeting early, so we weren't certain when exactly the interview was until 7:20. We did end up doing the interview at 7:30 p.m., but we couldn't find a study room so I interviewed Abdullah in his car. I brought a set of the questions to Abdullah for the interview, and I recorded it with the same digital camera. Afterwords, I transcribed it using my computer again.

2.Interview Report

      Even though this was my shortest interview, it was also one of the most successful. By the third time around of asking the same questions, I have a pretty solid understanding of the main questions. This interview answered a lot of miscellaneous questions that I have been thinking about Saudi Arabian culture. For example, learning that gas is cheaper than water in Saudi Arabia really shows me how cheap it is. Also in this interview I learned about another Muslim tradition: Eid-al-Adha. I also learned that the Muslim religion isn't really forced upon everyone who is in Saudi Arabia, most people who live there happen to be Muslim because Mecca and Medina are located in it. This interview contradicts my other interviews slightly, because AbdullahMA told me that buses and cars are the only modes of transportation. AbdullahAA and FaisalHA both told me that there are other modes such as trains and taxis. Just about everything else matched what I previously knew, and AbdullahMA gave me a unique perspective on the topics.

3.Country Report

   Saudi Arabia is a somewhat large country found just east of Africa and south of Eastern Europe. Although it is close to Africa and Europe, Saudi Arabia is officially part of Asia. Saudi Arabia is about 1/5 the size of the United States, and it consists of very dry deserts and mountains. Saudi Arabia is perhaps best known for its exports in oil and for having the two most holy Islam mosques.

      As mentioned, Saudi Arabia contains the two holiest Islam mosques in Mecca and in Medina. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state where the government is based on Islamic holy law. AbdullahAA and AbdullahMA informed me that the first ruler was King Abdul Aziz. The specific type of government is technically a monarchy. This was apparent when Faisal was explaining to me about the secret police who enforce the religious laws. In Saudi Arabia, the citizens are only allowed to be Muslim and no other religion. The two main divisions of Islam are Shia and Sunni, but most people are Sunni. In these regards, every person celebrates religious holidays like Eid-al-Fitr and Ramadan. Ramadan is a month in which Muslims don't eat from sunrise to sunset, and Eid-al-Fitr is the day after the month of Ramadan that they celebrate. AbdullahMA informed me that another holiday Muslims celebrate is Eid-al-Adha. This usually involves sacrificing an animal like a lamb or cow and giving a part of the meat to the poor. In addition to these holidays, Muslims also pray five times a day: once when the sun rises, once at noon, once after noon, once at sunset, and once at night. AbdullahMA told me that Muslims must pray at specific times (exactly at 7:45 p.m. for example). These things are part of the five pillars of Islam. AbdullahAA had told me about the great generosity and giving that Muslims do and he said nearly 10% of someone's total income is donated. Religion is a major part of everyday life for Saudi Arabians.
      Greetings in Saudi Arabia are usually hand shakes, hugs, or kisses on the cheek. Faisal noted that here in America, people are more distant and less friendly in their greetings. AbdullahAA has also told me that the greetings of his home country are more respectful that here in America. AbdullahMA says that Americans judge him for kissing his friends on the cheek and they question his sexuality even though it's commonplace in Saudi Arabia. Children around the age of eight have a typical day consisting of going to school and then unstructured time after school to do things like play soccer. Like America, Saudi Arabia has kindergarten, then elementary school, then high school, and finally college. When children are about age 9, they get out of school earlier than American schools and typically eat lunch at home. College in Saudi Arabia has a first year called orientation where everyone has the same classes and schedule. When asked to compare, Faisal thinks that the United States has a better quality of education than Saudi Arabia. The main sport in Saudi Arabia is football, which is the same sport that Americans know as soccer with the ball on the ground and the goalposts with nets.

 AbdullahAA has told me that there are many different leagues and different cups that Saudi Arabian football teams compete for. 
      Cars are the most popular mode of transportation in Saudi Arabia. There are many types of cars available including American cars, German cars, and other European cars. The trains and buses in Saudi Arabia are only practical for going long distances, and there are few taxi cabs. Most people can afford cars because the gasoline is relatively cheap compared to most places. AbdullahAA has told me that it costs only about $10 to fill up a gas tank, and $100 can pay for gas for up to two months. AbdullahMA told me that gas is cheaper than water in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia holds about 1/5 of the world's total petroleum, exports the most petroleum, and has an important role in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC). Since oil companies have a lot of revenue, it makes sense that Faisal wants to work there: they will give a better salary.
      Food in Saudi Arabia is very diverse and there isn't one thing that categorizes it. Rice and chicken, however, are found in many Saudi dishes. Also common is cheese, bread, mutton, and eggs.  The most iconic food is kabsa, which is a spicy dish with orange rice and chicken.  

AbdullahAA, Faisal, and AbdullahMA have told me that there is a very special and secret combination of spices that really makes the meal taste good.  Light roasted Arabic coffee is the national beverage. Some foods are considered taboo and never to be eaten. These include pork, wine, beer, and any other alcoholic beverage. It is part of the Islamic faith to never eat these things. 
      In this summary, one can see how Saudi Arabia and America are two vastly different countries. Although some of the differences come from religion, natural resources(like oil) also play an important role.

Sources for country report:

4.Interview Transcription

N = NicholasES (me)
A = AbdullahMA

N: It's good to see you here Abdullah. Nice to meet you. 

A: Nice to meet you too. 

N: How about we start off by you telling us what country you're from.
A: Actually, I'm from Saudi Arabia. I've been in the United States for like, uhh, more than two years.
N: So how old are you? 
A: Uhm, twenty. 
N: Ok, and what are you planning on majoring in here at SCSU?
A: Actually, Electrical Engineering. I know it's tough, but ya know? I should work hard to get it. 
N: So I've heard that Saudi Arabia has some distinct dishes like kabsa. Can you explain to me what it is? 
A: Yeah, it's like.. it contains rice, any kind of meat such as you know chicken, beef, whatever you want. 
N: Ok. 
A: It's like a main dish in Saudi Arabia, I can't say we eat it everyday but we eat it a lot. 
N: Do you think that it's easy to get kepsa around here?
A: Yeah, we have everything like tomatoes, unions, and chicken, rice, so we can.
N: Do you have to make it, or do you usually have to order and buy kabsa? 
A: Uhh, actually we don't like to buy it from others from others because it's more delicious when you buy it from home.

N: Ok.
A: Umm, a lot of food for example in the war of the food we call it jerish (?) and it's kind of fried. And that's it. 
N: Ok. So what do you.. what country has the best food in your opinion?
A: Ehh, except my country right? Because everyone loves their own. 
N: Yes except your own.
A: I really love Italian food
N: Really? 
A: Yeah, I especially love the spices on it. It can also be natural food that's good for you, like vegetables. 

A: Actually, when I see a person who I don't know for the first time I will just shake his hand, right hand of course, and that's it. But when I see my friend I can, you know, kiss both cheeks.
N: That's very different from here, isn't it? 
A: Yeah, but you know sometimes when I kiss my friends on his cheeks some Americans think we're gay or something. That's a problem. They just don't know a lot of things about our culture so they guess. 
N: Yeah, you don't really see that around here. 
A: Exactly. 
N: So, I'm sure moving here to America has been a huge life change. What is one thing that the university could do to make your stay here better? 
A: Actually, I think the parking lots. Because you know, I use my car to move places and I think that they should make parking free or let you pay less for the whole semester. It'd be easier for everyone. I guess..that's it.
N: So everything else is pretty good about being here? 
A: Yeah, everything. 
N: Anything else that you wish you could change about living here in general? 
A: I think everything's great...except the parking. 
N: Doesn't the price of gas irk you? It's very cheap in Saudi Arabia right? 
A: Very cheap. The gas in Saudi Arabia is cheaper than the water. That's why I can say everyone in Saudi Arabia has a car.
N: Do they have American cars for sale there, or European, or what kind of cars do they drive there?
A: I think American cars, and Japanese cars, Germany's...
N: Ok. So how would you describe the famous sports in Saudi Arabia. 
A: Ok, the main one is soccer. And uhh, even though we don't have a really good international team, everybody loves to play soccer in Saudi Arabia. 
N: Alright, so did you play soccer as a kid? 
A: Yeah.
N: Did they also have competitive soccer like in teams with tournaments for kids in school? 
A: Yep, yep. And sometimes, we used to travel with the sports team. Right now actually I'm playing with the SCSU team.

N: Did you do really well?
A: Yeah we won.
N: So you won the entire competition? 
A: No, just we played like 5 games and won all 4 of them. 
N: Do you think that soccer is really the only sport? 
A: I guess soccer is the most popular. I cannot tell you the second one because I guess we don't have one. 
N: Ok. One more thing: in your home country is it proper to say football or soccer? 
A: Football. 
N: Football ok. It can be kind of confusing sometimes as an American. 
A: Exactly.
N: So, what religious holidays or events do you celebrate? 
A: We have two main ones. The first one we call Ramadan, no the day after Ramadan. As you know, Ramadan is a 30-day period when we don't eat during the daylight. And then after that month, we can celebrate, eat, and umm..70 days after this holiday we have Eid-al-Adha.
N: Ok, can you describe to me what that is? 
A: At Eid-al-Adha we kill a kind of animal. Umm.. and we donate some of the meat to the poor people and celebrate together as one family. What else...we pray..

N: Would you say that everyone in Saudi Arabia is Muslim?
A: Yep. 100%. 
N: Do you think that's a good thing, or would you rather have it like America where you can believe whatever you want?
A: Actually, we have some people who came from other countries. For example, are you a Muslim?
N: No.
A: So if you go there, no one will tell you that you have to be a Muslim. Nobody will..of course they will accept you and respect your religion as you respect our religion when we come here. So I would say that all of the Saudis are Muslim, but not all of the people in Saudi Arabia are Muslim.
N: Ok, I see. Is it possible to worship other religions in Saudi Arabia, or are there only mosques? 
A: Yeah only the mosques. 

A: I just pray. 
N: Can you describe to me when you pray those 5 times?
A: Actually...right now I should pray. Uhh..yeah right now. At 1:30 p.m., at 5:00 we should pray, and umm.. 7:45 p.m.
N: That's right now isn't it? 
A: Yeah right now I should pray. And then at round 9, and the last one at 5:30 a.m. I should wake up and pray. It's kind of weird for you right? 
N: It's definitely different. So do you need to pause the interview so you can go and pray, because I can if you need to?
A: No, I can do it in the next hour.
N: Ok. So you don't need to pray at the exact time?
A: Actually you do but I have an hour because there isn't a mosque near hear. There is the one over there but I don't go. I can postpone it. 
N: Ok. So what age do children usually start school in Saudi Arabia?
A: Most of the children start school at the age of 7. I started school at 6 because I'm special *laughs*.
N: *laughs* Ok. Here in America children go to kindergarten first, is it like that in Saudi Arabia?
A: Yep. 
N: After kindergarten where do students go?
A: It's exactly like here in America.
N: Exactly?
A: Yes exactly the same. I have a question though: how many years do you spend in high school?
N: Four years. 
A: We spend just three years and we graduate about age 18. 
N: So I've heard that college is free in Saudi Arabia, is this true?
A: Yes.

N: Do you think that the U.S. has better education?
A: Yes. A LOT.
N: Interesting. Do you think that students are under a lot of stress in high school and college?
A: Yes. When I studied college for 2 months in Saudi Arabia, I wasn't exactly easy and everything was in Arabic. 
N: So, what modes of transportation are usually used in your country?
A: Cars.
N: Do you think that cars are the most common?
A: Yeah.
N: So what other modes do you use? 
A: Actually, we have buses. The problem is that you cannot expect when they like..schedule.
N: Wow, that's different. Is there anything else you use? 
A: Hmm, I think that's it. 
N: So can you tell me a secret about yourself that few people know?
A: Actually, two years ago I wasn't able to make one sentence in English. After I started learning step-by-step I moved here to America. 
N: I envy that, because I'm starting to learn Spanish. Do you happen to know what alfombra means in Arabic?
A: Uhm, no..
N: Or maybe it's carpet?
A: That is shahzeda (?).
N: Oh. I was told that alfombra means rug in Spanish and Arabic.
A: Hmm..ok what does masa mean? 
N: Uhm, I don't think that's a word in Spanish.
A: Really, because my roommate says that table in Spanish is similar. 
N: Oh, you mean mesa. 
A:Yeah in Arabic, table is masa.

A: Yeah.
N: So, can you describe to me the typical day for a child about age 8 or 9?
A: Ok, I will start with myself. At that age I used to go to school, and then I used to spend like 6 - 7 hours in school every day for a week. Then, I used to stay at school and play video games, and sometimes I helped my mother. Uhm..yeah that's it I guess. And uhh..on weekends I used to hang out with my friends and play soccer.
N: What age do you think that most kids get a job? 
A: Kids? What age?
N: Yeah, that's what I'm asking. Do children usually have jobs?
A: No.
N: They usually wait until they're older?
A: Yes, they have to graduate high school or college to get a job. 
N: Here, a lot of students about age 16 get jobs a fast-food restaurants. Do they have fast food restaurants in Saudi Arabia? 
A: Yeah, but they have to graduate from high school to get a job. Except in the summer: some students get jobs then. 
N: Is this like a rule, or most people just don't do it? 
A: Exactly, no rule.
N: So, can you describe how the government works in your country? Like, who leads Saudi Arabia?
A: King Abdullah, like my name.
N: How did he get in power, do you know? 
A: Yeah, he came from a royal family. So when his brother died he got to be king.
N: So it's been a long line of descendents? 
A: Yeah, the first one was Abdul Aziz.
N: So do you think that kind of government is fair, or would you rather have a democracy where the people elect the leaders? 
A: Actually, I cannot say that they aren't good or they're bad. When you live all your life with one rule, it's gonna be so hard to say that it's not fair. But I think it's good because as you know we have a salary, and uh..and free education, they're also gonna give us a monthly salary.

N: Has the government ever made a decision that you don't like.
A: Yeah, like women driving in Saudi Arabia.
N: Can you tell me more about that?
A: Actually, it's not a religious thing. Because, 1,000 years many uhh..Muslim countries around the world? About 57, and let's say 56 the women are allowed to drive just not in Saudi Arabia.
N: So do you know why they aren't allowed to drive?
A: I don't know, but it's kind of a cultural thing.
N: Ok. So are women ever allowed to drive cars?
A: No, it sounds weird right?
N: Yeah. Are women not allowed to do any other things? 
A: No just driving. Right now they're discussing it, and the government needs time to discuss it.
N: So, we're nearing the end of the questions: what's one thing that you wish you could change about living here in America?
A: Actually, I don't like the cold weather. The weather in Saudi Arabia is so hot, if only I could transfer to Florida *laughs*.
N: *laughs* Did you buy your first winter coat here?
A: Yeah.

N: Wow. So, is there anything you'd like to mention that is very different from here that we haven't talked about? 
A: Saudi Arabia we don't drink alcohol.
N: And that is for religious purposes?
A: Exactly. 
N: Do you think it's a good thing that alcohol is prohibited?
A: Actually, yeah. You know, I see over there when I go downtown a lot of problems and fighting just because of drinking.
N: Well, this answers all of my questions. Thank you for your time.
A: Thank you too, nice to meet you

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Comparison of the First interview and the Second

      The main change between my first and second interview was the location. For the first interview Faisal and I conducted our interview in an open area, but it was during Spring Break so there was no outside noise. Abdullah and I conducted our interview in a study room in the media center, and I will probably do this for my third interview. I used the same questions, the same recorder, and the same transcription method of listening to the file on the computer. Even though I learned a lot from my first interview, my second interview helped confirm some things and even add new information. For example, after the first interview I knew about the basic structure of Islam but after the second interview I learned some specific things like their charitible nature. Nothing was contradictory, so this must mean that both of my sources are credible. I spent about 1.5 hours transcribing the first interview, and about 2 hours transcribing the second. I think that this time was well spent though, because I'm satisfied with the quality of my work. Some of my classmates did excellent work, which may be better than mine, but other classmates didn't put much effort into it.